Jhyanakuti | New Nepali Movie Trailer 2074 Ft. Saugat Malla, Benisha Hamal, Sumi Moktan | Ultra 4K


Published on March 21, 2018 by Video Sansar

Jhyanakuti | New Nepali Movie Trailer 2074 Ft. Saugat Malla, Benisha Hamal, Sumi Moktan | Ultra 4K

Aalu Production Presents!
New Nepali Movie: Jhyanakuti

Starring: Saugat Malla, Benisha Hamal, Puskar Gurung, Astal Gurung, Sumi Moktan,Jeevan Bhattrai
Writer: Pradeep Bhardwaj
Asst. Director: Asish Luitel
Production Designer: Rajesh Acharya
VFX: Manoj Shrestha
Music: Sanish Sunuwar, Bikash Chaudhary
Lyrics: Sanish Sunuwar, Pradeep Bhardwaj
Background Score: Kiran Tuladhar
Sound Design and Mixing: Uttam Neupane
Distributors: Sunil Manandhar (KTM), FD Company (Outside Valley)
Choreographer: Simosh Sunuwar/ Nisha Adhikari
Cinematographer: Hari Humagain
Editor: Simosh Sunuwar
Colorist: Rajendra Moktan
Producers: Nisha Adhikari, Simosh Sunuwar
Director: Simosh Sunuwar
Releasing on Mangsir 1/ 17th November
© Highlights Nepal Pvt. Ltd.

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