Kunai Pal | New Nepali Movie HEROZ | Tanka Budhathoki/Prashna Shakya | Purnima Lama/Sanjog Rana


Published on March 22, 2018 by Video Sansar

Kunai Pal | New Nepali Movie HEROS | Tanka Budhathoki/Prashna Shakya | Purnima Lama/Sanjog Rana
Maha Laxmi Films Presents
Kunai Pal…
Vocal: Tanka Budhathoki,Prasna Shakya
Lyrics/Music: Tanka Budhathoki
Cast: Karishma Manandhar,Dinesh DC,Jay Kishan Basnet,Purnima Lama, Mukesh Dhakal
DOP: Shiva Dhakal/ Ransharan Upreti
Choreographer: Kamal Rai
Story: Sanjog Rana
Producer: Yubaraj Lama/The Plam Group/ Sanjog Rana
Director: NB Maharjan

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